كلمة العليّ في اللغة هي صفة مشبهة من العلوّ، والصفة المشبهة تدل...
Those who lived in an interval between two Prophets, such that the preceding Prophet was not sent to them, whereas they did not live up to the time of the next one.
"Ahl-ul-fatrah" (people living at a time during which there is no Prophet) are the nations that existed between two Prophetic eras. The preceding Prophet was not sent to them, and they did not live up to the time of the next one. It could refer to each period separating two Prophets. What is intended by "fatrah" is the time during which there is no divine message between two Prophetic eras. Take, for instance, the period between Nooh (Noah) and Idrees (Enoch), may Allah be pleased with them, as well as the period between `Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon them. "Ahl-ul-fatrah" also include the Bedouins whom Jesus was not sent to and who did not live up to the time of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him. Many scholars called those whom the teachings of Islam had not reached, including the children of unbelievers, "ahl-ul-fatrah". "Ahl-ul-fatrah" are of two categories: 1. A category to whom Messengers were not sent, with a long interval between their time and the time of the previous Messenger, yet they received the Prophetic warning. Those people, despite the Prophetic break, are not excused due to ignorance. The proof was established against them through the warning conveyed by the Prophets who were sent to the preceding people. 2. Another category, who did not receive a Prophetic warning. So they witnessed a suspension of Prophetic warning. They are excused due to ignorance, even if there was not a long period separating them from the time of the Messengers. In fact, it all depends on the Prophetic warning reaching them or not, and not on the length of the interval between two Prophetic eras or the interval between a nation and the time of sending the Messenger.
People who lived after the death of a messenger of God and before the mission of another, without having a prophet sent to them.