كلمة (المجيب) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الفعل (أجاب يُجيب) وهو مأخوذ من...
The last two chapters of the Qur’an: Sūrat al-Falaq and Sūrat-un-Nās.
"Al-Mu‘awwidhatān" are two short Qur’anic chapters that were revealed in Madina. They are: Sūrat al-Falaq and Sūrat-un-Nās. They are named "Al-Mu‘awwidhatān" because they include seeking refuge in Allah from the evils of the humans and the jinn, and because humankind need them due to their special effect in repelling magic, the evil eye, and all other harmful things.
"Al-Mu‘awwidhatān" (sing: mu‘awwidhah): the two that protect from evil. It is derived from "ta‘weedh", which means protection and prevention; and "‘awdh", which means seeking refuge and protection, resorting to others.