
عبارات مقترحة:


(الآخِر) كلمة تدل على الترتيب، وهو اسمٌ من أسماء الله الحسنى،...


الجَبْرُ في اللغة عكسُ الكسرِ، وهو التسويةُ، والإجبار القهر،...


كلمة (القهّار) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة من القهر، ومعناه الإجبار،...


من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية

المعنى الاصطلاحي

An extremist Shia sect and followers of Abu Mansoor al-`Ijlee who claimed himself to be the Imam.

الشرح المختصر

"Mansooriyyah" are followers of Abu Mansoor Al-`Ijlee who ascribed himself to Abu Ja`far Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Baaqir in the beginning. After al-Baaqir had dissociated himself from Abu Mansoor and had dismissed him, the latter claimed himself to be the real Imam and started calling people to himself. He claimed his ascension to the heavens where Allah wiped his head with His own hand and said to him: "O My son, go and convey on My behalf."Indeed, Allah is far above from such lies. Beliefs of this sect include: messengers will continue to be sent; Paradise is a man whom they have been ordered to obey and support and that is the Imam; and Hellfire is a man whom they have been ordered to hate.


One of the extremist Shia sects, the followers of Abu Manṣūr al-ꜤUjalī. They allege that ꜤAlī lives in the clouds and that he did not die, but will come back before the day of judgement. They believe that it is right to kill people for the true cause. They further allege that Abu Manṣūr himself was raised to heaven. Yūsuf ibn ꜤUmar al-Thaqafī, the governor of Iraq during the reign of Hishām ibn ꜤAbd al-malik, crucified him for his falsehood.