كلمةُ (الحليم) في اللغة صفةٌ مشبَّهة على وزن (فعيل) بمعنى (فاعل)؛...
Enjoining good and forbidding evil gently and wisely.
"Mudārāh" (kindness/gentleness) means eliminating and warding off evil by kind words while avoiding harshness, or turning away from the evildoer to avert a greater evil. It could also refer to dealing kindly and gently with people to convey goodness to them and divert them from evil. This includes teaching the ignorant gently; inviting the disbelievers to Islam leniently, especially if there is a specific need to soften their hearts and attract them; guiding the wrongdoers by prohibiting them from sins and rebuking them kindly and wisely and through kind words and actions, while avoiding severity and harshness. "Mudārāh" is from the noble morals of the believers and the methodology of the prophets and messengers when dealing with their followers. It is a beneficial way in calling people to the religion of Allah and in warding off their harm. It is one of the causes of unity and love in society. "Mudārāh" could be practiced with many different types of people, including: the disbeliever, the oppressive ruler, the sinner, the husband and wife, the sick person, as well as others.
"Mudārāh": leniency, gentleness. Original meaning: warding off; hence, gentleness and kindness are called "mudārāh" because one uses them to ward off evil from himself.
To deal gently with people and to interact with them well and with kindness, without making any compromise in religion, hoping to help them to improve in respect of their religion and present life.