كلمة (الودود) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فَعول) من الودّ وهو...
"Qaswah" is harshness and rigidity in the heart that drives a person towards abuse and wrongdoing rather than kindness and goodness.
"Qaswah" (cruelty) is a bad characteristic. It is harshness of the heart that makes a person misbehave physically and verbally so that he starts to forget about the Hereafter, excessively love this world, and commits sins. In addition, it prevents him from doing good deeds and observing good manners such as mercy, humbleness, fear of Allah, etc.
"Qaswah": harshness, cruelty. Original meaning: Hardness. Opposite: "leen" (leniency), "riqqah" (tenderness). Other meanings: ruggedness, solidness, corruption, poor quality.
qaswat al-qalb