كلمة (الوهاب) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فعّال) مشتق من الفعل...
A group of people who are one's close relatives and family members, by whom one finds strength.
The "‘asheerah" (clan) of a man are his kin and relatives who share the same lineage tracing back to the same forefather. They usually carry the same family name, which is their common forefather, and live in the same region and speak the same dialect. An "‘asheerah" is typically composed of several families. When different clans are allied, they form a tribe. They were called "‘asheerah" because they live together, share common affairs, and cooperate among themselves. An "‘asheerah" is more specific than a tribe.
"‘Asheerah": one's closest relatives. Other meanings: a group of one's relatives. Derived from "mu‘āsharah", which means mixing, merging.