
عبارات مقترحة:


هو اسمٌ من أسماء الله الحسنى، يدل على صفة (الباطنيَّةِ)؛ أي إنه...


كلمةُ (خَلَّاقٍ) في اللغة هي صيغةُ مبالغة من (الخَلْقِ)، وهو...


كلمة (الرفيق) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فعيل) من الرفق، وهو...

Abu Bakrah (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that a man was mentioned in the presence of the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) and another man praised him. So the Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Woe unto you! You have cut the neck of your companion,” repeating it several times. Then he said: “If one of you has to praise (another), let him say: ‘I reckon him to be as such and such' if he sees him to be like that, and Allah is the One Who will take account of him. No one can testify the purity of others against Allah."

شرح الحديث :

The Hadīth carries some instructions from the blessed Sunnah. The Muslim should avoid exaggeration when praising others, as pride and conceit are one of the Satan's gateways. Praising and commending people excessively may make the praised one overwhelmed with delusion and arrogance and he becomes ruined. Therefore, a Muslim should be moderate when praising and lauding others, and leave the realities of people to Allah, the Exalted, Who is fully aware of secrets of the souls.

ترجمة هذا الحديث متوفرة باللغات التالية