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Explanation of Book of Fasting from Bulugh Al-Maram

الإنجليزية - English

المؤلف Dr. Saleh As-Saleh
القسم دروس ومحاضرات
النوع صوتي
اللغة الإنجليزية - English
المفردات دواوين السنة - أحكام الصيام
In this series, Dr. Saleh As-Saleh explains the book of Fasting through hadiths of Bulugh Al-Maram. He mentions how the obligation of fasting comes into effect, conditions of fasting, intention to fast Ramadan and for voluntary fast, blessing of having Sahour, unintentional eating or drinking. He shows the verdict of fasting while traveling. He clarifies the supererogatory fasting as on Arafa Day, Ashoora day and six days in Shawwal.



How the Obligation of Fasting Came into Effect
Wisdoms behind the Obligation of Fasting
Conditions for Establishing a Valid Fast
Day of Doubt - Exceptions
Day of Doubt - Do Not Fast
Hilal of Ramadan - Hilal of Shawwal
Fasting Following One's Sighting
Intention to Fast Ramadan
Intention for Voluntary Fast
Hastening to Break the Fast
Blessing of Sahour - Breaking the Fast
Forbidding of Wisal
Bad Deeds While Fasting - Controling Desire
Cupping - Hijamah
Applying Kohl While Fasting
Unintentional Eating or Drinking - Three Cases
Vomiting - Menses - Postpartum - Introduction to Travel
Breaking Fast When Hardship during Travel
Fasting during Travel - Case of Elderly
Ordered Expiation for Intercourse during Fasting
Delaying Ghusl - Making up Fast of Relative
Fasting Arafa - Ashoora - Monday
Fast of Shawwal after Completing Ramadan
Fasting and Jihad - Fasting in Other Months
White Days - Women and Voluntary Fast
No Fasting on Eid and Days of Tashriq
Friday - Saturday - Shaban
Saturday - Sunday - Arafa - Wisaal