الحفظُ في اللغة هو مراعاةُ الشيء، والاعتناءُ به، و(الحفيظ) اسمٌ...
A relationship caused by marriage
"Musāharah" (relationship by marriage) is a social relationship between two families through marriage. It is established by two causes: 1. A valid marriage contract. 2. Sexual intercourse that took place as a result of a defective marriage contract or between two people who believed that it was lawful for them to have intercourse when, in fact, it was not, provided that the prescribed corporal punishment for adultery was not applicable to them; or as a result of sexual intercourse between a slave woman and her master who bought her through a valid or defective sale contract. The women whom a man is forbidden to marry because of the "musāharah" are of two types: 1. Permanently forbidden: These are of four categories: a) Wife of the father and the grandfather, up to all levels. b) The wife's mother and grandmother, up to all levels. c) The wife's daughters and granddaughters, down to all levels on condition that the husband has consummated the marriage with his wife. d) Wife of his son and grandson, down to all levels. 2. Temporarily forbidden: These include: a) The wife's sister. b) The wife's female relative who, if either of them is supposed to be a male, would be forbidden to marry, such as the paternal aunt. It is forbidden for the man to marry two sisters or a woman and her paternal aunt simultaneously.
"Musāharah": relationship acquired by marriage. "As'hār": relatives of the spouses. Derived from "sahr", which means closeness and proximity.
Relationship through one’s spouse. This also causes prohibition of certain marriages.