كلمة (المقدِّم) في اللغة اسم فاعل من التقديم، وهو جعل الشيء...
Velarisation is a secondary articulation that applies to a sound when it is realised. It has five grades, the top of which is when the sound is given a short vowel a and followed by the long vowel ā, as in mā ṭāba lakum (4: 3). The second grade is that of a velarised sound with a short vowel a, but not followed by ā, as in alladhīna ṭabaꜤa (16: 108). The third grade is when the velarised sound is given the short vowel u, as in ṭubiꜤa (9: 108). Fourth is a velarised sound with no short vowel, as in yaṭbaꜤu (7: 101), and last is a velarised sound with the short vowel i, as in ṭibāqā (67: 3).