كلمة السميع في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فعيل) بمعنى (فاعل) أي:...
Turning a free human being into an owned slave.
"Istirqaaq" (enslavement): "Riqq" is a state of legal deficiency caused by the person's disbelief in Allah. There are two possible causes for "istirqaaq": 1. Fighting the combatant disbelievers; whether they are waging war against the Muslims or are followers of others who are waging war against the Muslims. If the Muslim ruler captures them and places them in detention, he is free to either kill them, enslave them, or release them. 2. Enslavement also occurs when a master impregnates his female slave and she gives birth to a child. The child follows the mother in terms of freedom and slavery.
"Istirqaaq": enslaving a human being; making him a "raqeeq", i.e. an owned slave, whether it is a male or female. It is derived from "riqqah", which means tenderness and leniency. Opposite: manumission.
Imposing slavery on someone who is free.