كلمة (قريب) في اللغة صفة مشبهة على وزن (فاعل) من القرب، وهو خلاف...
Claiming knowledge of the Unseen and the ability to foretell the future.
"Kahaanah" (fortune-telling/divination) is a type of sorcery and one of the practices of the pre-Islamic era. It is the prediction of the unseen and of future events. There were three types of "kahaanah" among the Arabs: 1. Having a companion from the jinn reporting information acquired by stealthily listening at the heavens. 2. The jinn reporting information about what is taking place all over the earth. 3. Making inferences about the Unseen through preludes and reasoning. Asking a fortune-teller has three cases: 1. Asking him a question devoid of any belief, and this is impermissible. 2. Asking him and believing him, and this is disbelief because believing him in matters of the Unseen constitutes disbelief in the Qur’an. 3. Asking him in order to test him, or to show his inability and his lying, and this is required.
"Kahaanah": the claim to have knowledge of the hidden and concealed matters. Original meaning: conjecturing, speculating, guessing, lying.
- the claim of knowing secrets of the world beyond human perception, and telling of what will happen in future, based on some reason. It originally started with the jinn eavesdropping on angels and passing the information to a fortune-teller.