
عبارات مقترحة:


التوبةُ هي الرجوع عن الذَّنب، و(التَّوَّاب) اسمٌ من أسماء الله...


كلمة (غَنِيّ) في اللغة صفة مشبهة على وزن (فعيل) من الفعل (غَنِيَ...


كلمة (القابض) في اللغة اسم فاعل من القَبْض، وهو أخذ الشيء، وهو ضد...


من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية

المعنى الاصطلاحي

One of the groups of Al-Murji’ah. They follow Muhammad ibn Karraam and believe that faith is only a statement by the tongue.

الشرح المختصر

“Al-Karraamiyyah” is a deviant group that appeared in Khorasan in the third century A.H. It is attributed to its leader and founder, Abu ‘Abdullaah Muhammad ibn Karraam al-Sijistaani, who passed away in 255 A.H. They branched into three sub-groups: Al-Haqqaaqiyyah, Al-Taraa’iqiyyah, and Al-Is-haaqiyyhah. Their beliefs prominently include the following: 1. Faith is a verbal acknowledgment of Allah, the Almighty. 2. Faith does not increase or decrease and is not subject to exceptions. 3. Perpetrators of major sins possess complete faith; and disbelief in Allah is verbal repudiation and denial of Him. 4. The Qur’an consists of letters and sounds; however, Allah spoke it at a certain point after He had not spoken previously. 5. They affirmed the excellent attributes of Allah but denied some of them and claimed that Allah is a body. 6. The Prophets could disobey Allah and commit major and minor sins, intentionally.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر

“Al-Karraamiyyah”: Al-Karraamiyyah sect. They are called thus because they follow a man named Muhammad ibn Karraam.


One of the groups of al-Murjiʾah, the followers of Muhammad ibn Karrām al-Sijistānī. They agree with the early generations in confirming God’s attributes, but they exaggerate that to the extent of giving likeness, shape and form. They also agree with the early generations in confirming the divine will and wisdom, while they also agree with the MuꜤtazilah that it is a duty to recognise God through reasoning and that beauty and ugliness are rational matters. They are considered to belong to al-Murjiʾah because they say that belief is merely verbal acceptance and not necessarily mental.