كلمة (القابض) في اللغة اسم فاعل من القَبْض، وهو أخذ الشيء، وهو ضد...
Negating facts established by textual and logical proofs despite knowing them, with the intention of disguising and deception.
Sophism: is an analogical deduction based on false perceptions with the intention of proving the opponent wrong and silencing them. It was also said that sophism is an analogical deduction that looks true, but false in reality, i.e. its introductory factors are true, but the results are false. It is intended to mislead others, or mislead oneself. This word is also used for the kind of deduction that no one is misled by. The Sophists represent a sect that denies the tangibles and axioms. Sophism in relation to the attributes of Allah the Almighty means rejecting the meanings of the texts of attributes while knowing the meanings they indicate which are well-known in language and Shari`ah.
"Safsatah": is a name of disguised wisdom and misleading knowledge. It is a word arabised from a Greek word that is made up of two parts: 'Soufa', which means knowledge and wisdom, and 'Asta', which means fault.
A system pracitsed by some Greek philosophers using an analogy based on some imaginary things. The system uses argumentation, playing on words, using false arguments or citing false cases to convince the audience and show the opponent as wrong, and of having no real argument.