كلمةُ (الرَّؤُوف) في اللغة صيغةُ مبالغة من (الرأفةِ)، وهي أرَقُّ...
Certain verses in the Qur’an upon reciting or hearing it one should perform a prostration.
"Sajadāt al-Qur’an" (Qur’an's prostrations) refers to specific verses in the noble Qur’an after which one should prostrate when reciting or hearing them in prayer or outside the prayer. Some of them are in the imperative form, others are in the narrative form. They are also known as "‘azā’im" (obligations) and "sajadāt-ut-tilāwah" (prostrations of recitation). They are fifteen: three in "al-mufassal" Sūrahs: in the Sūrahs of An-Najm, Al-Inshiqāq, and Al-‘Alaq; and twelve in the rest of the Qur’an: in the Sūrahs of Al-A‘rāf, Ar-Ra‘d, An-Nahl, Al-Isrā’, Maryam, Al-Hajj in two places, Al-Furqān, An-Naml, Fussilat, Sād, and As-Sajdah. Prostration in this case is performed in a way similar to the prostration of prayer: the forehead, the nose, the palms, the feet, and the knees are placed on the ground. If that is not possible, one should lower his head and say what one says during the prostration of regular prayer. Prostrations are marked in most of the "mus'hafs" (physical copies of the Qur’an) by a line above or under the word that implies prostration, and the word "sajdah" (prostration) is written at the end of the verse or in the margin. Otherwise, a sign is placed there to indicate prostration.
sujūd al-tilāwah