كلمة (اللطيف) في اللغة صفة مشبهة مشتقة من اللُّطف، وهو الرفق،...
Affirming a matter or emphasizing it by mentioning the name of a glorified being (i.e. Allah or one of His attributes) in a special form preceded by one of the oath letters.
"Halif" (swearing) means affirming a matter by mentioning one of the names of Allah, the Almighty, or one of His attributes coupled with one of the oath letters, which are the "bā", "tā", and "wāw". Swearing requires glorifying what is sworn by, which is mentioned as well for the sake of affirmation.
"Halif": oath. Original meaning: adherence, since one is required to adhere to his oath.
To confirm something by mentioning what is holy in a particular way, using a special particle. This is what is meant by ‘oath’.