كلمة (المتين) في اللغة صفة مشبهة باسم الفاعل على وزن (فعيل) وهو...
Surrendering and submitting to Allah, the Almighty, by accepting His Shariah as well as universal orders with a fully contented heart.
"Ikhbāt" (absolute submission) is one of the great deeds of the heart. It constitutes the first level of one's reassurance, having trust in Allah, and expecting good of Him. This level is achieved by carrying out Allah's commands, avoiding His prohibitions, and respecting and implementing His laws in all aspects of life. It also requires man to surrender to Allah's universal laws and give up defiance and arrogance.
"Ikhbāt": submissiveness, tranquility, reassurance. Original meaning: a low, spacious area. Other meanings: leniency, humbleness.
To stand still in perfect humility and subservience before God.