كلمة (الحيي ّ) في اللغة صفة على وزن (فعيل) وهو من الاستحياء الذي...
Invisible sane creatures competent for religious assignment, originally created from fire.
The jinn are creatures possessing mental faculties and a will, competent for religious assignment and free from human matter. They cannot be recognized by human senses. They cannot be seen in their original form, and their nature is unknown. They have the ability to change shape, eat, drink, marry, and reproduce. They are originally created from fire. Jinn is of different types: devils (disbeliever jinn), "maradah" (rebel jinn), "ifreet" (afreet), and "qareen" (human companion jinn).
"Jinn" (sing. jānn): invisible creatures created from fire who have the ability to take different forms. Derived from "ijtinān", which means hiding oneself and becoming concealed.
A type of God’s creation whom he created out of fire. Like humans, they have set life spans. They procreate, multiply and die. They have the same duties and obligations as humans are bid in the Qur'an and the sunnah. They are alive, have minds, exist but cannot be seen by humans. They act by free choice, and they have obligations and prohibitions. They can take different forms.