كلمة (كبير) في اللغة صفة مشبهة باسم الفاعل، وهي من الكِبَر الذي...
A sect which asserts that humans are coerced into their actions and have no choice or power.(2)
The "Jabriyyah" is a sect that has gone to the extreme in affirming predetermination by denying the existence of human power and free will. Their beliefs include 1. the assertion that man acts under compulsion and has no choice; 2. citing predetermination as a justification for committing falsely arguing that Allah willed everything that exists in the universe. The "Jabriyyah" are two categories: 1. Pure "Jabrīs" (extremists): who negate the total role and power of man concerning his actions, such as the Jahmīs and the like; 2. Moderate "Jabrīs": who affirm power to man but it does not have any effect; so they attribute action to man in terms of acquisition and implementation only; such as the Ash`arīs, who believe that man possesses power and will but their acts do not occur by them.
"Jabriyyah": a relation to "jabr", i.e. compulsion, domination, and subjugation; also, to mend, benefit, or complement. The "Jabriyyah" are those who assert the compulsion of human beings. Opposite of "jabr" is: "takhyeer" (voluntary/optional).
A sect believing that man has no choice in what he does, and that he has no ability to do them. They do not distinguish between God’s commands related to creation and his commands of shariah. Al-JaꜤd ibn Dirham was the first to advocate this false doctrine.