كلمة (الصمد) في اللغة صفة من الفعل (صَمَدَ يصمُدُ) والمصدر منها:...
The Christian belief that Allah is three: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
“Tathleeth” (the Trinity), according to Christian belief, means that Allah is one in essence, but composed of three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They call it “monotheism in trinity and trinity in monotheism”. According to them, the Father refers to existence, the Spirit to life, and the Son to the Messiah. Overall, they adhere to the belief that Jesus is the Son of God due to the miracles that Allah, the Almighty, performed through him. The idea of the Trinity was approved by the Nicaea Council in 325 A.D. as a reflection of Neo-Platonism, which derived most of its ideas from Eastern philosophies. Plotinus, who passed away in 270 A.D., had a great impact on this belief system.
“Tathleeth”: trinity, when something is three in number. Other meanings: watering plants for a third time.
To repeat the action three times.