كلمة (الصمد) في اللغة صفة من الفعل (صَمَدَ يصمُدُ) والمصدر منها:...
Exchanging two things between two parties with the intention of having/transferring the ownership of the exchanged items.
"Mu‘āwadah" (barter) is exchanging one beneficial thing for another beneficial thing with the condition that one of the things that are exchanged is given in return for the other thing. It can be made with anything that a person may possess: physical objects, debts, services, or rights. It is permissible if it is undertaken by the person who owns the beneficial thing and they have the right to barter it. "Mu‘āwadāt" (pl. of mu‘āwadah) are of two types: 1. "Mu‘āwadah mahdah" (absolute exchange): when both parties intend to make a profit from the process. Profit, here, refers to what entails benefit, such as sales or rentals. The transaction in this category is invalid if one of the two exchanged things is invalid or corrupted. 2. "Mu‘āwadah ghayru mahdah" (relative exchange): when only one of the two parties pays money or property, like when a wife gives the husband money to obtain a divorce (which is named "khul‘") etc. "Mu‘āwadah" is accomplished through a contract between the two parties. These contracts are called "‘uqood al-mu‘āwadāt" (barter contracts), which may result in ownership, such as a sales contract, or a service, such as renting. This also includes other forms of contracts, such as reconciliations and compromises. However, every type of contract has its own specific terms and conditions.
"Mu‘āwadah": taking or giving something in return for another. Derived from "‘awd", which means bartering. "‘Iwad": what is given as a price or in return for something. "Ta‘weed": paying the price or compensation to others. Other meanings: bartering, exchanging, swapping.