كلمةُ (الحليم) في اللغة صفةٌ مشبَّهة على وزن (فعيل) بمعنى (فاعل)؛...
The weaker of two opposed pieces of evidence, which is outweighed by the other, and thus it is preferable to act upon the other.
"Marjoohiyyah" (outweighing) is a characteristic that is proven by evidence. It is the state in which one of two or more opposed pieces of evidence or opinions proves to be stronger and distinct in a way that gives precedence to the adoption and implementation of such evidence or opinion. This task is carried out by the mujtahid to settle conflicting views when it becomes impossible to reconcile them or abrogate either of them. "Tarjeeh" (preponderance) exists between two textual proofs from the Qur’an or the Sunnah, or between two logical proofs like two analogies, or between a textual proof and an analogy. The preponderance of a proof over the other sometimes relies on its level of authenticity, like preferring the collectively transmitted Hadiths to the isolated Hadiths. It might also rely on the type of evidence, like the preponderance of the Qur’an over the Sunnah. Other times, it is based on the denotative power, such as the preponderance of a statement over an action or of a prohibition over a command, and other factors of preponderance.
"Marjooh": what is outweighed by another. "Rujhaan": preponderance, overpowering. Original meaning of "rujhaan": excess. "Raajih": preponderant, powerful. "Tarjeeh": corroborating, preferring, enhancing.