الجَبْرُ في اللغة عكسُ الكسرِ، وهو التسويةُ، والإجبار القهر،...
Homicide committed by a person who is not legally accountable.
"Qatl ’ujriya majra al-khata’" (unintentional killing): According to jurists, "qatl khata’" (unintentional killing, also known as involuntary manslaughter) is killing in which both the victim and the act of killing itself, or either of them, were unintended. Included in this category is the "qatl ’ujriya majra al-khata" (killing that is treated as unintentional killing), with the same ruling of intentional killing applied to the perpetrator. For example, a sleeping person turns over on someone and kills him. This killing would be treated as "qatl khata’" in terms of the Shariah ruling, because the sleeping person lacks intention, so his action is neither described as intentional or unintentional; nevertheless, it is treated as "qatl khata’" because death did occur as a result of his action, as is the result of the action of the perpetrator in "qatl khata’".