(البصير): اسمٌ من أسماء الله الحسنى، يدل على إثباتِ صفة...
The protrusion at the top of the throat.
"Ghalsamah" (epiglottis) is a cartilaginous flap at the base of the tongue and top of the throat. It is the protrusion in the larynx that resembles a walnut. It closes the passage of the larynx when swallowing food so that food does not enter the windpipe and cause choking. The "ghalsamah" is part of human and animal anatomy. The larynx is the passage of the air, whereas the gullet, or pharynx, is the passage of food and drink.
"Ghalsamah": the top of the throat; the knot at the meeting of the uvula and the gullet. Derived from "ghals": cutting the epiglottis.