كلمة (شكور) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة من الشُّكر، وهو الثناء، ويأتي...
Transgressing the limits of the Shariah in dealing with people of religiosity and righteousness by raising them above the status set for them by Allah Almighty and placing them in a rank that suits none but Allah. This is represented in seeking their help in adversities, circumambulating their graves, seeking blessings in the dust in which they are buried, and the like.
"Ghuluw fī as-sālihīn" (exaggeration with the righteous): Exceeding the proper bounds when dealing with the creatures leads to falling into polytheism, whether this creature is a righteous man, a prophet, or an angel. This takes place by raising these creatures above their real status, devoting some duties that are due to Allah exclusively, and taking them as intermediaries between them and Allah. "Ghuluw fī as-sāliheen" takes several forms, such as: 1. Eulogizing and excessively praising them, as the Rafidites and Sufis do by granting them the attributes of Allah, the Almighty. 2. Sanctifying and glorifying them by devoting some acts of worship to them. 3. Granting them the right of legislation and giving precedence to their speech over the speech of Allah and His Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. 4. Making images and statues for them and erecting these images and statues in public places.