
عبارات مقترحة:


كلمةُ (الحَفِيِّ) في اللغة هي صفةٌ من الحفاوة، وهي الاهتمامُ...


كلمة (عظيم) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فعيل) وتعني اتصاف الشيء...


كلمة (المتكبر) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الفعل (تكبَّرَ يتكبَّرُ) وهو...

Excessive arrogance/Tyranny

من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية

المعنى الاصطلاحي

Exceeding the limits in arrogance and tyranny, and going to extremes in corruption and disobedience.

الشرح المختصر

"‘Utuw" (excessive arrogance/tyranny) is one of the ugly traits and reprehensible morals. It is a trait that leads one to disobey Allah, Glorified and Exalted, and rebel against His orders. It is usually coupled with arrogance, excessive corruption, and falsehood, and engrossment in oppression and extravagance that angers the Lord, Glorified and Exalted, and leads to His displeasure.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر

"‘Utuww": tyranny and haughtiness. Original meaning: exceeding the limits. Other meanings: rebellion, severe corruption, disobedience.