كلمة (الرفيق) في اللغة صيغة مبالغة على وزن (فعيل) من الرفق، وهو...
Certain conditions that affect one's competence of performing Shariah duties either by elimination or diminishing.
"‘Awārid al-Ahliyyah" (impediments to legal competence) are conditions that overtake a legally competent person, thus diminishing or eliminating his competence. He, thus, becomes incompetent for some or all religious assignments. In other words: Impediments that prevent a legally competent person to be liable for legal ruling, whether textually or intellectually. They are divided into two types: 1. Self-inflicted or acquired impediments: These are impediments that one causes and does it, such as drunkenness, ignorance, compulsion, error, and jest. 2- Heavenly impediments: These are impediments that are caused by Allah without the slave having a choice in it. They are beyond one’s ability, hence, they are ascribed to heaven, such as childhood, insanity, idiocy, saleepness, forgetfulness, illness, menses, post-partum bleeding, and death. "Ahliyyah" is one's competence to perform the obligations.