كلمة (الحيي ّ) في اللغة صفة على وزن (فعيل) وهو من الاستحياء الذي...
Magpie; a black and white crow similar to the pigeon in size, with a long tail and short wings.
"‘Aq‘aq" (Magpie) also called "qa‘qa‘" is a bird from the crow family that has a long tail and a long beak. It makes the chattering sound: "ghāq, ghāq". There are three types of crows: - herbivorous, which only eats grain and does not eat carcasses. This includes the "ghudāf" and "zāgh". - scavenger, which only eats carcasses. This includes the "abqa‘". - omnivorous, which eats both grain and carcasses. This includes the "‘aq‘aq".
"‘Aq‘aq": a bird similar to a pigeon in size, white in belly and black most of its body, with a long tail and beak. It belongs to the crow family, and the sound it makes is called "‘aq‘aqah".