
عبارات مقترحة:


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Supererogatory Prayer
(صَلاةُ النَّافِلَةِ)

من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية

المعنى الاصطلاحي

Legislated optional prayers in addition to the five obligatory prayers.

الشرح المختصر

"Nāfilah" (supererogatory prayer) is any optional prayer other than the five obligatory prayers. It is of two types: 1.Specified "Nāfilah": They are related to a certain reason, such as the Duha (forenoon) prayer, and Masjid-greeting prayer. 2.Unspecified "Nāfilah": They are all prayers that are not related to a certain reason or a fixed time.