كلمة (النصير) في اللغة (فعيل) بمعنى (فاعل) أي الناصر، ومعناه العون...
Established liability for a debt or the like.
"Shughl adh-dhimmah" (established liability) generally means that a person is liable to give something or receive it. What is meant by "dhimmah" (liability) is the characteristic that makes a person liable to give or receive. It is where commitment lies. It is also used to describe "dhimmi" (someone who is protected by a covenant). From the examples of "shughl adh-dhimmah" is if someone who is in debt, hence he is liable to repay this debt, and he is not free from his liability until he pays off the debt or the creditor absolves him of it. "Dhimmah" is not only related to people's financial rights, it is also related to required deeds, like the worker who is liable to get a task done, and liability for religious obligations like prayer, fasting, and vows. So, one could be liable for a debt, a task, or a deed, like making up for a missed prayer, bringing someone to court, etc.