
عبارات مقترحة:


كلمة (كبير) في اللغة صفة مشبهة باسم الفاعل، وهي من الكِبَر الذي...


كلمة (المقدِّم) في اللغة اسم فاعل من التقديم، وهو جعل الشيء...


كلمة (المعطي) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الإعطاء، الذي ينوّل غيره...


من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية

المعنى الاصطلاحي

A woman commits "sufoor" when she exposes her beauty and attractive features in the presence of non-Mahram (marriageable) men.

الشرح المختصر

"Sufoor" (Unveiling) is for a woman to appear in front of non-Mahram men (marriageable men) without her "hijāb"; i.e. revealing her beauty and exposing parts of her body that should be covered in front of them. This includes uncovering the "’awrah", such as the hair and chest, as well as certain actions such as walking in a seductive manner, speaking in a seductive voice, and wearing thin or tight clothes that reveal her body shape.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر

"Sufoor": uncovering, exposing, clarity. Travel was named "safar" because it exposes people's true character.