
عبارات مقترحة:


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Ar-Rāji‘ah (a Kharijite sect)

من موسوعة المصطلحات الإسلامية

المعنى الاصطلاحي

A group of Kharijites who recanted from following Sālih ibn Mussarrih and disassociated themselves from him.

الشرح المختصر

"Ar-Rāji‘ah" (a Kharijite sect) is a sub-group of the Kharijites who recanted from following Sālih ibn Mūsarrih and disassociated themselves from him because of certain rulings he issued. Some scholars mentioned that one of the reasons why they stopped following him was that a man from his companions said about one of them: "This is the enemy of Allah." Thereupon, Sālih did not ask him to repent (but, rather, killed him immediately). His followers disputed this action of his as well as others and, consequently, some of them disassociated themselves from him. Nevertheless, most of the Kharijites held that his actions were correct. It was also said that he retained a horse from the spoils of war, and his companions used to draw lots to ride it and compete in fighting on its back. Other reasons were also reported.

التعريف اللغوي المختصر

"Ar-Rāji‘ah": the Recanters Kharijite group. Derived from "ar-rujū‘", which means recanting. The term refers to those who recanted from following Sālih ibn Mūsarrih and disassociated themselves from him because of certain rulings that he issued.