كلمة (الرقيب) في اللغة صفة مشبهة على وزن (فعيل) بمعنى (فاعل) أي:...
Causing harm to others secretly.
"Khidā‘" (deception) is a repugnant attitude and bad manner that people adopt towards themselves or others in their words, actions, or contracts. It means inflicting harm or evil on someone else secretly. "Khidā‘" has negative impacts on the deceptive person himself and the society around him. Negative impacts of "khidā‘" is numerous, for example: It is a proof of one's weak faith and is a cause of dissension between the Muslims.
"Khidā‘": deceit, trickery. "Mukhādi‘": deceitful and cunning person. Original meaning: concealing something and showing its opposite. Other meanings: corruption, temptation, cheating.