كلمة (شهيد) في اللغة صفة على وزن فعيل، وهى بمعنى (فاعل) أي: شاهد،...
A group of the Mu`tazilah sect who followed Abi al-Hasan ibn Abdur-Raheem al-Khayyaat.
"Al-Khayyaatiyyah" is a group of Mu`tazilites who followed Abi al-Hasan ibn Abdur-Raheem al-Khayyaat (d. 300 H). He was the teacher of Abi al-Qaasim al-Ka`bi to whom the Ka`biyyah group is ascribed. "Al-Khayyaatiyyah" are also called "Al-Ma`doomiyyah" because they abundantly assigned to the non-existent (al-ma`doom) most of the characteristics of the existent (al-mawjood). Their major beliefs: 1. Negating all the attributes of Allah, the Exalted. 2. Claiming that people create their own actions. 3. Denying Aahaad Hadiths (singular Hadiths, reported by one narrator only), and considering them non-binding in Sharia rulings. 3. Calling what is non-existent 'an entity', and calling a body in non-existence a body (jism).
"Al-Khayyatiyyah": a proper noun ascribed to the name "Al-Khayyaat". It is a sect who were given that name because they followed a man called Abu al-Hasan al-Khayyaat.