كلمة (الواسع) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الفعل (وَسِعَ يَسَع) والمصدر...
Eternal stay of the people of Paradise in bliss, and eternal stay of the people of Hell in the punishment of the Fire, which will never be interrupted.
"Khulood" (eternity): The Shariah texts highlight the fact that the people of Paradise will abide in Paradise, where they will enjoy eternal bliss, and that the people of Hell will abide in Hell, where they will not die so that they can have comfort in death, nor will the fire of Hell perish, nor will the punishment be alleviated for them. They will not get out of it; rather, they will remain there forever, being punished endlessly. This applies to the disbelievers. As for the sinful among the people of "Tawheed" (pure monotheism), they will eventually get out of it.
"Khulood": continuity, permanence. Other meanings: a long stay. Original meaning: extended constancy, whether or not it is permanent.