(البارئ): اسمٌ من أسماء الله الحسنى، يدل على صفة (البَرْءِ)، وهو...
Angels who are highly honored by Allah, the Exalted, for their perfect morals, beautiful appearance, remoteness from sins, as well as freedom from impurities.
"Kirām" (highly honored angels): One of the ways Allah, the Almighty, chose to preserve His Book was by conveying it to His messengers through the highly honored, strong, and pious angels; angels who have noble morals and a beautiful appearance and who are honorable in the sight of Allah, the Almighty. They are righteous and pure in essence, attributes, and actions. "Kirām" was said to mean that they are too dignified to be with men when they spend private time with their wives or when they answer the call of nature. "Kirām" could also mean that they are so kind to the believers by asking forgiveness for them.
"Kirām": a comprehensive word for everything that is praised. Derived from "karam", which means nobility; opposite: "lu’m" (meanness). Other meanings: one who honors himself by not disobeying his Lord.