كلمة (اللطيف) في اللغة صفة مشبهة مشتقة من اللُّطف، وهو الرفق،...
A person who permanently and completely loses the ability to use one of their limbs.
"Ashall" (paralytic) is a person suffering from a certain physical disability. It is the person who cannot use one of their limbs, such as the hand, the leg, and the like, while that limb remains in its place as part of their body. It is classified as such even if that person does not completely lose sense in that limb. Rather, paralysis is to lose the ability to use a limb to perform its normal function, which may occur by the loss of sense or the loss of movement in the affected limb.
"Ashall": a person (male) afflicted with paralysis. Feminine: "shallā". "Shalal": lifelessness of a limb and its inability to move. It is derived from "shall", which means dismissal, sending away.