(الأوَّل) كلمةٌ تدل على الترتيب، وهو اسمٌ من أسماء الله الحسنى،...
Establishing proof to confirm something or refute it.
"Istidlaal" (deduction/inference) is to seek to know something by way of establishing evidence, whether it is textual or based on scholarly consensus or otherwise. "Istidlaal" is of two types: 1. "Istidlaal naqli" (deduction based on textual proof); also called "istidlaal sama`i" (deduction based on auditory proof): using texts from the Qur'an and Sunnah as evidence. 2. "Istidlaal `aqli" (deduction based on intellect): using the intellect in knowing and confirming something. There is no contradiction between the two types of "istidlaal" because intellectual proof is subsequent to textual proof.
"Istidlaal": seeking the "daleel" (evidence/proof). It means using one thing to infer another. The "daleel" is what leads a person to what is required.