كلمة (القابض) في اللغة اسم فاعل من القَبْض، وهو أخذ الشيء، وهو ضد...
Firm belief that the Prophet Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, has a Basin (Hawd) of a specific description, which was given to him by Allah, and that his Ummah will come to drink from it.
"Al-Iman bil-Hawd": Believing in the realm of the Unseen (Ghayb) is a major pillar of the Islamic creed. The Unseen is everything that we cannot see which was told to us by Allah or his Messenger, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. Part of the Unseen is all what occurs after death, such as Paradise, Hell, Reckoning, the Bridge over Hell (Sirat), intercession, the Basin (Hawd), etc. "Al-Iman bil-Hawd", or believing in the Basin, is to firmly believe in the great fountain which Allah has honored his Prophet Muhammad, may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him, with, that will quench the thirst of his followers. This belief includes the following components: 1. Believing in the location of the Hawd, which is the land of gathering (ard al-mahshar), and that it exists now. 2. Believing in the time drinking from the Hawd will take place, which is the Day of Judgment, before crossing the Sirat bridge, and before the Muslims enter Paradise. 3. Believing in its description; that it is square in shape, its water is whiter than milk, sweeter than honey, more fragrant than musk, and cooler than ice. Its vessels and cups are as numerous as the stars, its length is the distance of a month’s travel and its width is the distance of a month's travel by a speedy rider – and it was said that it is as wide as the distance between Makkah and Jerusalem, or between Yemen and Jordan. Its banks are domes of hollowed pearls. Whoever drinks from it will never be thirsty again. Two drain spouts from the Kawthar River flow into it. The Kawthar is a river in Paradise that Allah gave to the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him. 4. Believing that those who will approach this Hawd and drink from it are those who believed in Allah and his Messenger, and followed his legislation and legacy. 5. Believing that anyone who apostates from the religion of Islam or alters it and make innovations in it that Allah is not pleased with, or denies the existence of the Hawd, will be expelled from the Hawd and distanced from it. This includes the Khawaarij, Rawaafid, Mutazilites, and other deviant sects.