كلمة (الحَقِّ) في اللغة تعني: الشيءَ الموجود حقيقةً.و(الحَقُّ)...
The person upon whom the validity of the marriage contract is contingent, such as father, his agent, or the like.
"Wali" (guardian) is the one upon whom the validity of the marriage contract is contingent; i.e. it is invalid without his presence/consent. "Wali" may be the (bride's) father, his agent, an agnate relative, the owner or manumitter (of a bonds-woman), or the Muslim ruler (of a free woman). One definition given to the "wali" is: an adult sane male who is entitled to inherit (from the bride). The general meaning of "wali" is: a person who is legally responsible for another person; such as the father in relation to his young or insane child, or the judge and the imam.
"Wali": guardian, patron. Derived from "waly", which means closeness. Other meanings: ally.
Whoever has a position of authority over another, including parenthood, family relation, trusteeship, looking after, rule or the bond of Islam.