اسمُ (الحكيم) اسمٌ جليل من أسماء الله الحسنى، وكلمةُ (الحكيم) في...
A "Bātiniyyah" sect ascribed to Ismā‘il ibn Ja‘far as-Sādiq. They believe in the necessity of having an infallible Imam stated in the texts to be from the offspring of Muhammad ibn Ismā‘il. They believe in "tuqyah" (precautionary dissimulation) and in reincarnation.
"Ismā‘iliyyah" (Ismailites) are those who assert the Imamate of Ismā‘il ibn Ja‘far as-Sādiq. It is also said that it is attributed to Muhammad ibn Ismā‘il ibn Ja‘far as-Sādiq. It is a sect which is outwardly loyal to the family of the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, but in reality they destroy the Islamic beliefs, nullify its laws, and vilify the religion. Its sub-sects split and continued to exist over the years until our contemporary times. They went so far in their extremism that the Twelver Shiites consider its members disbelievers. "Ismā‘iliyyah" consists of two sects: 1. A sect that awaits the return of Ismā‘il ibn Ja‘far despite historical consensus that Ismā‘il died in his father's lifetime. 2. A sect that asserts that the Imam that is to succeed Ja‘far was his grandson Muhammad ibn Ismā‘il ibn Ja‘far, since Ja‘far appointed his son Ismā‘il as Imam after him, so when Ismā‘il died in the lifetime of his father, it is known that he indeed appointed his son. Some of their beliefs: 1. Infallibility in their opinion does not mean refraining from making mistakes and committing sins; rather, they interpret sins in accordance with their own beliefs. 2. Whoever died without knowing the Imam of his time and without pledging allegiance to him died in a state of ignorance. 3. Extremism in regarding the Imam, deifying him, believing in his divine knowledge, and paying him one fifth of what they gain. 4. Believing in "taqiyyah" (precautionary dissimulation) and secrecy, and applying them at hard times. 5. Believing in reincarnation. Tthe Imam, according to them, is the heir of all prophets and all the Imams preceding him. 6. Denying, or almost denying, the attributes of Allah, because in their opinion, Allah is far above the comprehension of the mind. He is neither existent nor non-existent, neither knowledgeable nor ignorant, and neither capable nor incapable.
"Ismā‘iliyyah": ascribed to Ismā‘il. It is a "Bātiniyyah" (esoteric) sect which asserts the Imamate of Ismā‘il ibn Ja‘far as-Sādiq.
An esoteric sect named after IsmāꜤīl ibn JaꜤfar al-Ṣādiq. It tends to be very extreme. It pretends to revere the members of the prophet’s household, but in fact its aim is to undermine Islamic beliefs. Its own beliefs include the similarity between God and his creation, and that he has a physical form. They deny some of his attributes, and believe that the universe has always been in existence, reincarnation, the appointment of successor to the Imam and the return of the Imam. They deny that the Qur'an is divine revelation. There are numerous branches of Isma’ilism and they still exist in some parts of the Muslim world.