كلمة (المُقيت) في اللغة اسم فاعل من الفعل (أقاتَ) ومضارعه...
Followers of Abu Is'hāq Ibrāhim ibn Sayyār ibn Hāni’, who is known as "An-Nazhzhām". He negated the belief that Allah has ability over evils and sins, as he denied miraculous nature of the Qur’an and miracles of the Prophet, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him.
Nazhzhāmiyyah (a Mu‘tazilite sect) are followers of Abu Is'hāq Ibrāhim ibn Sayyār ibn Hāni’, who was originally a follower of the religion of the Brahmins (a sect of Hinduism), and he was also influenced by the Greek philosophy, like the rest of the "Mu‘tazilah". He was given this name because he used to arrange beads in threads when he was young, and sell them in the markets of Basra, and the one who does this job is called "nazhzhām". He died in the year 231 AH. An-Nazhzhām adopted views different from his companions' regarding some issues: 1. Concerning the statement that belief in Allah requires believe in divine decree, with its good and evil aspects. He added that Allah Almighty is not described as having the ability to create evil or misdeeds, and that such matters are not within the ability of the Almighty Creator. 2. His statement concerning "al-irādah" (divine will): "Allah the Almighty is not described by having a will in reality. If He is described by the Shariah to have a will with regard to His actions, this means that He is its creator and initiator according to His prior knowledge. On the other hand, if He is described to have a will with regard to the actions of His slaves, this means that He is commanding such actions or prohibiting them. 3. He agreed with the philosophers in their negation of the part that is indivisible. He also came up with the "tafrah" (the leap) issue, as he claimed that it could happen for a certain body to be somewhere, then shift to a third place, without passing by a second place, by means of "tafrah". He also denied the miraculous nature of the Qur’an, as well as the reported miracles of the Messenger of Allah, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, using this as a means to negate his prophethood in the first place. Majority of the Mu‘tazilites agree on considering An-Nazhzhām as a disbeliever.
An ascription to An-Nazhzhām, Abu Is'hāq Ibrāhim ibn Sayyār.
One of the MuꜤtazilah groups, the followers of Ibrāhīm ibn Yasār ibn Hāniʾ al-Naẓẓām. He mixed his MuꜤtazilah creed with philosophy, and differed with his fellow MuꜤtazilah on several issues, the most important of which are: 1) that God, the exalted, may not be described as able to bring about evil and sinful practices. These do not belong to Him; 2) God’s speech is an intermittent sound consisting of sounds while human speech is not separate sounds; 3) God may not be described as able to increase the suffering of the dwellers of hell or decrease the happiness of the people of heaven; 4) unanimity and analogy are not binding rulings; what is binding is the statement of the infallible Imam; 5) the possibility of jump. This means that a thing can be in place number one and moves to place number ten, without going through the places in between the two, and without becoming non-existent in the first and returned in the tenth.